
Pannukakku (Finnish Pancake)

Really fast to make, FAT FREE, yummy delicious pancake, Finnish style.

2 Eggs
4 dl Milk
2 dl Flour
Salt, Sugar, Cardamom

1. Heat the oven at 225 Celcius before starting to prepare the batter.
2. Break the eggs, whisk it until foamy.
3. Add milk and flour, mix it well.

4. Add hint of salt and sugar, some vanilla (if desired) or cardamom.
5. Whack the mix into a buttered tray.

6. Bake in oven for approximately 30 minutes until dark brown.

The pancake is going to look raw inside no matter how long you bake it, so don't worry about that. Let it cool down a bit before serving with syrup or jam.

dl = desilitre (one tenth of a litre)
For easy measurement, bear in mind that 3 desilitre is equivalent to 1 full cup.

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